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Gets WAY Worse: Chris Murphy Says the Quiet Part Out LOUD in Thread About Immigration Bill HE Co-Authored

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

As Twitchy readers know, the Senate released a garbage bill to supposedly deal with the crisis at the southern border. However, they should just be honest and call it a Funding Wars That Are Not Ours Bill because that's the actual goal. This monstrosity does nothing but tie the security of our border to funding Ukraine and even Gaza.


Oh, and did we mention it basically codifies illegal immigration?

Yeah. It's crap.

Sen. Chris Murphy thought it was smart to put out a thread about the bill HE co-authored; note, that he helped write it is the reddest flag of all.

Spoiler, it's not good.

Guys, Murphy knows they already have the laws to secure the border.

He knows Biden reversed multiple Trump EOs securing our border when he first came into office.

He also knows the lawn flamingos who vote for him and other Democrats are ignorant of these facts.


These. Are. Not. Asylum. Seekers.

There was never a Muslim ban.

Again, he hopes you're too stupid to know that.

Or you know, they could just shut the border down.



Gotta give the president power to keep those illegals streaming in.

Because they're not legal citizens.


What a bunch of melodramatic horse crap.

The millions of people flooding and crossing our southern border aren't fleeing from 'terror and violence'. They are crossing over for all of the free stuff Democrats like Murphy keep offering them. And while he's correct about this country being stronger because of immigration, it's LEGAL immigrants, not criminals deliberately ignoring our laws.

And he damn well knows better.



Biden Simp Bill Kristol Makes Fascist Joke at Tucker Carlson's Expense and Seriously Pisses Twitter OFF

VA Democrat WO-MANHANDLED for Claiming Husbands Won't Let Him Convince Their Wives to Vote Democrat


That's it, She's DONE --> Nikki Haley's Tweet About Her Cringe SNL Appearance Makes Things WORSE

WHOA ---> Bill Maher Calls Biden Out for His HUGE Lie About Securing the Border and DAMN (Watch)

Hilariously EPIC: Dem Sen. Heidi Campbell MELTS DOWN in Real-Time During School Choice Interview (Watch)


Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Also, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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