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Free tampons for men? Clemson students demand access to period products in the MEN'S bathoom

AP Photo/Elise Amendola

Maybe the classes at Clemson are not rigorous enough because it sure seems like there are too many students with too much time on their hands. A group of students at Clemson organized a protest march because tampon dispensers were removed from the men's bathroom after complaints from the 'College Republicans'.


It certainly would be a shame for a man to not have access to a tampon when he needs them. Oh, that's right. Men never ever need tampons.

Apparently, that is too much to ask.

Perhaps, they should also seek therapy.

Clemson needs mental health professionals for these students.


This nonsense has infected even schools in very conservative areas. it's a shame.

Someone (like their parents) should have explained this to them a long time ago.

Oh, we are in very big trouble.

Again, that money would be better spent on therapy.


That may be the only way to wake up these kids to reality and the real world.

If you give crazy people an inch, they might take a mile. Grow up, indeed!

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