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Cuomo advisor pretty triggered when New York Post reports that no one was wearing a mask at COVID panel

“If you were smart, none of this would be a problem,” said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier this month, shifting the blame for the COVID-19 pandemic to the ignorant public, some of whom just don’t seem to get how important it is to wear a mask, no matter how many times he spells it out.


New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz was watching Cuomo’s press update on the coronavirus Monday and captured a screenshot of the entire panel sitting there maskless.

If masks work to contain the spread of COVID-19, why wouldn’t you wear one here?

Bernadette Hogan wrote it up for the New York Post, which didn’t fly with one of Cuomo’s advisers.

If you took COVID seriously, you’d all be wearing masks, even if you are socially distanced.




Are these filters so special they only work in government buildings?


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