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Critics of Gov. Greg Abbott's 'controversial' 'Save Chick-fil-A' bill say it's discrimination 'cloaked in religion'

You might remember a post on Twitchy Wednesday in which Houston Chronicle columnist Erica Grieder just kept digging and digging and digging trying to make it true that it was conservatives who’d made Chick-fil-A an issue everywhere, completely ignoring the fact that the whole national kerfuffle started with a liberal boycott after Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press he was “guilty as charged” of supporting the “biblical definition of the family unit.”


That was it. That’s where it started, from one line in an interview, and that’s what led the easily unhinged to abuse workers at the drive-thru window and spraypaint “Tastes Like Hate” on the buildings.

You might notice a lot of scare-quotes in our headline; that’s because they’re lifted from NBC News’ tweet about Texas’ “Save Chick-fil-A” bill, inspired when the city council voted indirectly to ban Chick-fil-A from the San Antonio International Airport in the name of inclusiveness — seven full years after Cathy did that interview.

So banning Chick-fil-A wasn’t controversial, but a bill protecting Chick-fil-A from discrimination is. Check this out: Democratic state Rep. Celia Israel said, “it’s been cloaked in religious freedom but the genesis and the nexus of this bill is in hatred.”

Give us a break. The Christian president believes marriage is between a man and a woman. What if the president were Muslim and believed marriage was between a man and a woman? We’d never have known.



It really is. Let’s hope 2020 presidential hopeful asks all 12 people at his rallies not to patronize Chick-fil-A like he did when a franchise opened in Manhattan. That’s a great platform to run on.




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