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British MP Andrew Bridgen Compares COVID Vaccine Deaths to the Holocaust

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

We hear A LOT about COVID lockdowns, and the consequences they had on the world economy and we hear a lot about the vaccine. We do not often hear anyone outside of the United States bringing up the dangers and effects the vaccine may have had on many.


So it SHOCKED us when we saw that British MP (Member of Parliament), Andrew Bridgen, made a bold statement comparing the possible death toll caused by the vaccine to the holocaust.

WOW. This man did not just say the vaccines ARE hurting people he said other MPs are ignoring it bc they have 'their hands in the blood up to their armpits'. Bridgen is not playing.

RIGHT!?!?!? We doubt you will see it on mainstream media news here in the United States.

She is NOT wrong. We are not saying all healthcare providers want people to die, however, the lack of caring about patients and the number of Doctors who just slap a band-aid on almost everything has increased.


We could go into a huge rant about how socialized medicine has not helped protect individuals, but we will not. We will just focus on the fact that EVERYTHING to do with COVID and the lockdowns worldwide was a mess. It was a mess and we hope people do study all the links of the bad things that have happened from the vaccine and that more people say it out loud and stop hiding it.


Double OUCH!

It does take a certain kind of person to stand up to their own party. You can call him crazy if you like, but there is enough evidence that people should be allowed to ask questions without everyone pretending they are insane conspiracy theorists.

Yup. We honestly know nothing about Mr. Bridgen, he may be a total whack-a-doodle across the pond, but we hope people get to start speaking about things and asking questions without being shut down just because they might be asking something unpopular.


Europe has been much quicker to start to look at and limit transition surgeries on minors than the US and maybe they will be quicker to try and take action on these vaccine claims as well. We can only wait and see.

Whether you feel the vaccine was good, bad, or indifferent, we felt like an MP speaking this frankly about the possibility it was bad was worth a shot. ;)

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