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Time to boycott Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, and My Pillow ... AGAIN

You know every few months some leftist nutter wants everyone to boycott Hobby Lobby, Chick-Fil-A, or My Pillow, and usually, a bunch of them join hands and crochet hats or something and yell at everyone who likes the places calling them evil racists or homophobes or both.


Welp seems like it’s that time again and the responses are exactly what you would think they would be!

Full Disclosure – this editor does not have a My Pillow, and we are not too crafty, but Mondays are usually take-out nights at our house and we are definitely feeling some Chick-fil-A this evening.


Simple facts, the Left can choose to not shop somewhere because there are so many companies that parrot everything they want them to say, being a conservative is a little harder if we wanted to avoid all companies, entertainers, or institutions that did not agree with us we would never eat out, watch movies, or do much of anything. Guess we would eat a lot of chicken, and make a lot of crafts. 🙂

As she should. It really is a delicious chicken sandwich and the way they move cars through the drive-thru is truly something to behold!

We feel pretty certain there is a calendar that is passed around Lefty Twitter about who gets to post the boycott every 3 months.


More is always better if the Left wants us to boycott it right?

HA! We love it!

Ok Twitchy readers. Go have a nice evening, find some craft projects at Hobby Lobby, lay down, and watch a movie with a My Pillow, while eating some Chick-Fil-A.

We support you!


Editor’s Note:

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