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Curiouser and curiouser: Does Fox News think the Media Matters leaks came from Dominion?!

You might recall that yesterday, Fox News sent a weak sauce cease-and-desist letter to Media Matters related to them revealing leaked materials.

Today, via ABC News (that is, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. a.k.a. Aussie state media), we get this news:


They reported that:

Fox News had asked lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems to investigate whether someone from its organisation leaked controversial internal messages from ousted Fox host Tucker Carlson that were provided in evidence for Dominion’s recent defamation lawsuit.

The requests — which were made in letters released by Fox — came after multiple news outlets published racist and sexist remarks by Mr Carlson contained in leaked internal messages and recordings.…

In a separate letter to Dominion’s lawyers, Fox said the disclosures ‘violate the text and spirit’ of the settlement agreement, which ‘requires return or destruction’ of all confidential discovery materials.

Fox is seeking to contain the public relations fallout from the leaks.

Good lord. You can watch the videos. There’s nothing remotely damaging about Mr. Carlson in them. And the only thing damaging to Fox News is that they let an awesome guy go.


Seriously, considering how Fox is hemorrhaging viewers …

… at this point they should consider apologizing to Mr. Carlson and his viewers, and letting him resume his show. Sure, it would probably involve eating a ton of crow, but it might be the best way to pull out of this tailspin.

We have similar advice for Budweiser.

Returning to the subject of the letter to Dominion, we have not been able to obtain a copy of the letter, but this is the first time Fox News seems to be acting convincingly like they are not actually the ones leaking this information—although it might still be the doing of an employee who is not in contact with Fox News counsel. We’re not saying it couldn’t still be a Fox News leak, but at least they are acting a little more like it isn’t.

In any case, if you haven’t watched the videos that really, make Mr. Carlson look even cooler, you can watch them here:


Naturally, if anything else interesting happens on this subject, we will be sure to cover it.


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