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Let the pointing and laughing BEGIN! 'Atheist Dad' account gets BOOTED from his high-horse


Everyone has little tells that say something about them. Sometimes it's a necklace with a religious icon, sometimes it's a 'Biden/Harris' bumper sticker on their Prius, and sometimes it's just the way you walk that lets people know you were in the military. With some people, they're more subtle, with others, they're more obvious, but they're always there.


So if you're going to point out other people's way of signaling something about themselves and claim you're better than that you really should make sure you're not living in a glass house before you start hucking those rocks.

Uhuh ... can you spot the issue here?

Some astute researchers went looking and found that AtheistDad isn't above wearing something to signal his beliefs (or lack thereof) to the world in his everyday life.


That's from July of 2021 if you want to go take a look yourself. 

It doesn't matter your belief system or lack of one, watching someone attempt to signal smug superiority and immediately get trounced in the replies is always a good time. It's a reminder of an important rule of thumb: You'd better be darned sure you have everything in order when you climb up on that high-horse because it's an awful long fall if you get knocked off of it.


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