Monday Morning Meme Madness
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Based El Loco: Javier Milei Shutters Argentina's Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity
Rebekah Jones: Israeli Captives Held By Hamas Were 'Fed and Healthy'
Erick Erickson: Some 'Who Oppose Trump Could Be Persuaded to Come Back by...
Woman Gets Trapped in Quicksand, Unleashing Childhood Nightmares of Every Gen Xer
'Bankrupted Chicago': Sen. Rand Paul Asks If Voters Will Allow 'Dems to Destroy...
OOPS! Gretchen Whitmer ACCIDENTALLY Reminds Everyone Dems Actually Killed Roe With Fear-Mo...
AWKWARD: Whatever Is Going on in This Video, Joe Biden Is CLEARLY Not...
Frog Capital Just Needs 1 Graph-Post to Destroy Biden's (Media's) Claim That Inflation...
Take the L! Democrat Rep. BRUTALLY Schooled After Reminding Us That We're a...
Lefty Dolt's 'Political Art' Post Proves ONCE AGAIN the Left Sees Illegals as...
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The 'Ultimate World Cruise' Is a Dreamy Escape from Primary Season for This ENVIOUS Political Wonk

AP Photo/Mark Baker

When I'm not arguing politics on Twitter (which takes up a great deal of my time lol), I have been fascinated with this new trend on Tik Tok. Yes, I am one of those Americans dumping data to China because I'm obsessed with those short little snippets of other people's lives. But, I digress. So, the trend is the 'Ultimate World Cruise'. It's an over 200 day cruise that will travel to all seven continents (if events around the Suez Canal don't mess some parts of the trip up). There are about 700 passengers staying the whole trip. There are some passengers who board at other ports for short legs of the trip. Passengers range in age from small kids to senior citizens. I find it fascinating and I would love to be aboard. I love to cruise and traveling is my passion. If only I had 60k for the trip. I also need a pet friendly version because I could not imagine leaving them behind. Let me share a few tweets from one passenger aboard.

They just left Antarctica. 

No, no, I am also obsessed. I want to be at the 'Bitch and Stitch' sewing circle every day.

Dozens of TikTok accounts have popped up to document all-things Serenade of the Seas. Some are run by a few of the 600-something travelers staying on board for the entire 274-night itinerary. Others are spectators on land. The culmination of their content — with hashtags like #ultimateworldcruise, #worldcruise and #9monthcruise — has racked up hundreds of millions of views. The cumulative effect is comparable to a reality TV show, complete with “cast members,” drama and intrigue.

Unlike a traditional reality show with meddling producers and forced cliffhangers, content from the nine-month cruise comes from average Joe Martuccis. That’s what makes #CruiseTok so captivating.

Why are so many people obsessed? I think it's because these people took the leap so many of us are afraid to take. Some cashed in life savings. Some left jobs. Some left college to head for a 'semester at sea'. Some of them are cruising in family units. Some are couples and some are alone. This was a huge commitment with this beautiful pay off of seeing all these diverse places, taking all these exciting excursions, and just fully embracing life.

There was one panic aboard when there was rumor of a wine shortage. I mean, they are on a boat out in the middle of nowhere with the same people for days. Wine is a necessity. In all sincerity, good on this group of people for taking a break from every day life and going for it. There will be hard days, but once they look back on it, I bet they'll each be so glad they did it. If I had known this was an option during primary season, I would have begged to go on it and disconnect from the election cycle, myself. Just kidding. Sort of. Heh.


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