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A Post About Taylor Swift Doubles Down on DUMB and Gets Community Notes Involved TWICE

Fuzzy Chimp

You are reading Twitchy so we know that you know that at least 50% of the human race is dumb as a box of rocks. We have found a post on X (Twitter) that may be the last piece of evidence we need to prove that to be true. 


Did bro never take any kind of health class? We accept he might be kidding BUT community notes got involved just in case. 

AFTER community notes stepped in our man DOUBLED DOWN.

Being the absolute legends they are community notes made a short and sweet note on the follow-up tweet as well. 

BWHAHAHAHA! We are not saying this story is big breaking news, we are simply saying we laughed like a hyena after dental surgery and thought you might like to join the fun. Come along for the ride because X posters also had fun with it.

The OP may be just trying to get rage-click engagement BUT the double down makes us think the post above has a good chance of being true as well. We are laughing at the OP's ignorance or carefully crafted diabolical rage tweet collection and we are fine with that either way. :) 


Listen, one of our friends randomly put that awful no-no square song in our head the other night and it has been on repeat, we had to share the pain and misery with you. If you are lucky enough to not know of the no-no square song, please DO NOT Google it. You are better off. Listen to us. Have we ever steered you wrong? Other than making you read a whole piece on community notes telling a dude about anatomy? heh 

We think X got that one wrong. The dude obviously is not that bright and seems like a bit of a jerk when he doubles down on the dumb. hahaha 

OK, but hear us out, If he was serious it might be worth the 7 bucks to get the education. That is cheaper than college! :) 

HA! Welp, that is what we are here for. To make you look at the dumb stuff people say on X. You are welcome. 

If you are in the mood for even more ignorance go scroll through the comments on that post. It goes from Swift being a Satanist clone to a few put-downs we could not post on Twitchy. We guarantee you will end the evening hating most of humanity and laughing at the same time. A WIN WIN if you ask us. 



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