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Best Economy EVER, Jack! February Layoffs Highest Since 2009

Fuzzy Chimp

Last night, during his State of the Union address, Biden bragged hard about how wonderful the economy is and how Bidenomics saved us.

Well, we hate to rain on his parade, but:



More from CNBC:

Layoff announcements in February hit their highest level for the month since the global financial crisis, according to outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

The total of 84,638 planned cuts showed an increase of 3% from January and 9% from the same month a year ago, with technology and finance companies at the forefront.

From a historical perspective, this was the worst February since 2009, which saw 186,350 announcements as the worst of the financial crisis was seemingly coming to an end. Financial markets bottomed the following month, paving the way for the longest economic expansion on record, lasting until the COVID pandemic in March 2020.


Just like it's been revised throughout Biden's presidency.

Some people have. Who will Biden blame when it gets worse?


Embrace the decline!

Oh, goody.

Biden's attitude last night.

A silver lining.

If you ignore reality, it sure is.

We're sorry. This sucks.

Getting laid off is the worst, but this is a close second.

Don't worry, most of us don't.

We have eyes and brains and wallets.


But Biden said this isn't happening.


Buckle up.

And this is going to play a huge role in November. Coupled with immigration, both are net negatives for Biden.

Can't imagine why.


The post translates to: 'Unemployment will start to bother the feds in a few months.'

Hoo boy.

Last night was a giant steaming pile of political BS.

But Biden can't run on an actual record of achievement -- there is none. This is an economy that's barely limping along, and teetering on the edge of disaster.


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